Vim Cheatsheet

Vim is a fantastic code editor and is a popular choice among hardcore developers. It’s my favourite choice when it comes to making quick code changes in terminal. Vim has a huge learning curve with its long list commands to memorise. Here is a cheatsheet with my most used vim commands in my development process.

                        " SAVE & EXITS
<Esc> :qa               " close all files
<Esc> :qa!              " close all files, ignore changes
<Esc> :w                " write changes to file
<Esc> :wq               " write changes to file and quit
<Esc> :x 
<Esc> :q                " close file
<Esc> :q!               " close file, ignore if any changes
<Esc> ZZ                " save and quit from vim

                        " NAVIGATION - PAGE SCROLL
                        " C -> Ctrl Key
<Esc> h                 " left arrow key
<Esc> j                 " down arrow key
<Esc> k                 " up arrow key
<Esc> l                 " right arrow key
<Esc> <C-u>             " half page up
<Esc> <C-d>             " half page down
<Esc> <C-b>             " page up
<Esc> <C-f>             " page down

                        " NAVIGATION - WORD NAVIGATION
<Esc> w                 " move cursor word by word in forward direction
<Esc> b                 " move cursor word by word in backward direction
<Esc> e                 " move cursor word by word in forward direction + cursor will be at the end of the word
<Esc> ge                " move cursor word by word in  backward direction + cursor will be at the end of the word

                        " NAVIGATION - LINE NAVIGATION
<Esc> 0                 " move cursor to the start of the line
<Esc> ^                 " move cursor to the start of the line
<Esc> $                 " move cursor to the end of the line

                        " NAVIGATION - CHARACTER NAVIGATION
<Esc> fc                " go forward to character c
<Esc> Fc                " go backward to character c

                        " NAVIGATION - DOCUMENT NAVIGATION
<Esc> gg                " go to first line
<Esc> G                 " go to last line
<Esc> nG                " go to line n without entering command
<Esc> :10               " go to line 10

                        " NAVIGATION - WINDOW NAVIGATION
<Esc> zz                " center align the page  with respect to the position of the cursor
<Esc> zt                " top align the page with respect to the position of the cursor
<Esc> zb                " bottom align the page with respect to the position of the cursor
<Esc> H                 " move to top of the screen
<Esc> M                 " move to middle of the screen
<Esc> L                 " move to bottom of the screen

                        " SEARCH
<Esc> /key              " enter keyword to search in the current page
<Esc> n                 " next matching search pattern
<Esc> N                 " previous matching  search pattern
<Esc> *                 " next whole word under cursor
<Esc> #                 " previous whole word under cursor

                        " TAB PAGES
<Esc> :tabedit          " edit a file in new tab
<Esc> :tabfind          " open file in new tab if it exists in the current directory recursively
<Esc> :tabclose         " close current tab
<Esc> :tabs             " list all tabs
<Esc> :tabfirst         " go to first tab
<Esc> :tablast          " go to last tab
<Esc> :tabn             " go to next tab
<Esc> :tabp             " go to previous tab

                        " EXIT INSERT MODE
<Esc> <C-c>             " exit insert mode and abort current command
<Esc>                   " exit insert mode

                        " VISUAL MODE
<Esc> v                 " enter visual mode
<Esc> V                 " enter visual line mode
<Esc> d                 " delete selection
<Esc> x
<Esc> S                 " replace selection
<Esc> y                 " yank selection

                        " EDITING
<Esc> a                 " append
<Esc> A                 " append from end of the line
<Esc> i                 " insert mode
<Esc> o                 " next line
<Esc> O                 " previous line
<Esc> s                 " delete character and insert
<Esc> S                 " delete line and insert
<Esc> C                 " delete until end of the line and insert
<Esc> r                 " replace one character
<Esc> R                 " enter replace mode
<Esc> u                 " undo changes
<Esc> <C-r>             " redo changes
<Esc> c                 " change (delete then insert)
<Esc> >>                " indent right
<Esc> <<                " indent left
<Esc> ==                " auto indent
<Esc> g~                " swap case
<Esc> gU                " upper case
<Esc> gu                " lower case
<Esc> dw                " delete word in forward direction
<Esc> db                " delete word in backward direction
<Esc> 2dd               " delete 2 lines

                        " COPY and PASTE
<Esc> x                 " delete character
<Esc> dd                " cut line
<Esc> yy                " copy line (yank)
<Esc> p                 " paste after
<Esc> P                 " paste before
<Esc> vip               " select paragraph
<Esc> vipipip           " increment paragraph selection
<Esc> yip               " yank paragraph
<Esc> yap               " yank paragraph including new line
<Esc> dip               " delete paragraph
<Esc> dap               " delete paragraph including new line

                        " SPELL CHECK
<Esc> ]s                " move to next misspelled word
<Esc> [s                " move to previous misspelled word
<Esc> z=                " suggest spelling for the word
<Esc> zg                " add word to spell list
<Esc> zw                " mark word as bad / misspelling

                        " BULK EDIT
<Esc> <C-v>             " Ctrl+v to start visual selection and then use arrow keys for multi-line selection
      <Shift> I         " insert your text and hit escape, wait for other lines to update
                        " FIND AND REPLACE TEXT
<Esc> :%s/a/A/g         " find and replace a with A in the entire file
<Esc> :s/a/A/           " find and replace a with A for only the first occurrences
<Esc> :s/a/A/g          " find and replace a with A for all occurrences in the current line
<Esc> :%s/a/A/gc        " find and replace a with A in the entire file after confirming for each substitution
